No More Desire ™ Porn Addiction Recovery
What have you tried so far to quit porn? Accountability buddies, talk therapy, internet filters, church or religious programs, or mindfulness techniques to 'get rid of cravings'… Many of these have merit, but they're often missing key elements for long-lasting sobriety. It isn’t enough to just “stop watching porn”. Porn addiction is a symptom of deeper, underlying challenges that I address using evidence-based psychological and behavioral practices.
My mission isn't just to help people overcome porn addiction, but to give them each step to establish a recovery mindset and lifestyle. This is done using hands-on, daily exercises that retrain the brain and forge new habits that last a lifetime. Once this mindset and lifestyle are established, the desire for porn naturally fades.
To discover how to stop porn addiction, join my Intensive Porn Addiction Recovery Program at
No More Desire ™ Porn Addiction Recovery
57: The 4 Root Causes of Porn Addiction
Do you find yourself constantly asking, “Why do I struggle with porn addiction?” Or, ”Why is my spouse / child addicted to porn?”
There are a lot of messages out there that will tell you porn addiction is about sexual urges. It’s about having a high libido. It’s about a desire for sex that isn’t being fulfilled. If a man wants porn then it’s his spouse’s responsibility to make sure he’s satisfied, and if he’s satisfied then he won’t want porn.
I have news for you. That’s a bunch of BS.
While natural sexual feelings do play a role in the desire for porn, porn addiction is not about sexual urges. It’s not about high libido. And it sure as heck isn’t about an addict’s spouse not “delivering the goods.”
And I know that’s hard to hear, and the human brain and biology can be VERY convincing. It will tell you that you crave porn because you want sex and if you can juuuust get that craving filled in just the right way then you won’t want porn anymore.
Let me tell you something else. A vast majority of the people I work with are married…
And let me tell you something else, else. If I had a dime for every time someone has said “I just thought once I got married that all this would go away. I thought once I got married, I wouldn’t need porn anymore.” And that’s not how it works.
Today we’re going to talk about what actually causes porn addiction. Specifically we’ll talk about the 4 root causes of porn addiction. Why we develop a porn addiction, what keeps us hooked, and how to overcome porn addiction.
FREE WORKSHOP: The 8 Keys to Lose Your Desire for Porn
FREE EBOOK: The 10 Tools to Conquer Porn Cravings
Intensive Porn Addiction Recovery Program
The Porn Addiction Funnel: How To Break the Addiction Cycle
Pleasure Conditioning: Decrease Porn Cravings
Keys for Confidence, Self-Worth, and Porn Addiction Recovery
8 Rules to Get You 3 Months Sober from Porn